Historic Rock Ford is located in Lancaster County Central Park, a 544-acre county park located on the southern edge of Lancaster City.
The address is: 881 Rockford Road, Lancaster, PA 17602. Search for Historic Rock Ford in Google Maps, the Latitude/Longitude coordinates of the turn into the property are: 40.019726, 76.287249.
Click on the red marker to open a Google map in another web page.
Exit onto Route 23 - West Walnut Street and drive 1.3 miles
Turn Left onto North Broad Street and drive 1.4 miles (after 0.9 miles the street name changes to Chesapeake Street)
Turn Left onto East Strawberry Street, also an entrance to Lancaster County Central Park, and drive for 0.1 mile crossing the Conestoga River
Turn Left onto Rockford Road, drive for 0.7 miles with the Conestoga River on your left
Turn Right where Rockford Road turns right away from the river and becomes Williamson Road
The entrance to Historic Rock Ford will be on your right in 0.1 mile.
Take Route 41 North for 15.8 miles to Gap,
At the Gap Town Clock turn Left onto Route 741 West, cross the bridge over the railroad tracks and bear Right in 400 ft., follow for 9.8 miles
Route 741 West will bear Right, follow for 3.5 miles
Turn Right onto Gypsy Hill Road, follow for 1.4 miles
Gypsy Hill Road will turn Left opposite red barn on right, follow for 0.7 miles
Gypsy Hill Road bears Right and turns into Eshelman Mill Road, follow for 344 ft.
Turn Left onto Golf Road, follow for 0.6 mile as it winds through Lancaster County Central Park
Turn Right onto General Hand Lane, follow for 0.1 mile.
Turn Left onto Williamson Way, drive for 0.1 mile.
Historic Rock Ford will be on your Left.
Turn Left into the property and then Left up a slight hill into the parking area.
From Lititz take Route 501 South for 2.8 miles to the community of Neffsville.
Continue through Neffsville heading south on 501 South / 722 West, which turns into Route 222 South, for 3.4 miles
After crossing over the railroad tracks continue onto North Duke Street, go straight for 1.8 miles
Turn Right onto Chesapeake Street
Turn Left onto East Strawberry Street, also an entrance to Lancaster County Central Park, and drive for 0.1 mile crossing the Conestoga River
Turn Left onto Rockford Road, drive for 0.7 miles with the Conestoga River on your left
Turn Right where Rockford Road turns right away from the river and becomes Williamson Road
The entrance to Historic Rock Ford will be on your right in 0.1 mile.
Our main parking lot is off Williamson Road, marked with a blue location icon that is located beneath “HISTORIC ROCK FORD” on this map. There are two additional handicapped parking spaces located at the Snyder Gallery, entrance in the rear of the Rock Ford Barn.
Lancaster County Central Park Trail Map