Historic Rock Ford invites you to our new fundraising event: An Enigmatical Dinner featuring a five-course repast with curated wines and stimulating food for thought in the Early American tradition and inspired by the circa 1800 recipe book of Sarah Burd Yeates of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Pepper Theo Cafe in the Refectory at Lancaster Theological Seminary 555 West James Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Cocktails at 5:30 PM. Dinner at 6:15 PM .
The Enigmatical Dinner Menu
Judy’s Piscean Pain
A Drinkable Delight Fit for King Louis’s Consort
The Converted Cream of an Infernal Imp with a Spiced Couple
Botticelli’s Conveyance for the First Lady of Love, Poached
A Refreshing Interlude for Henry’s Aragonian Queen
Well Roasted, the Grand Seigneur’s Domain with a Berry of the Bog
and a Snifter’s Golden Nectar Braised
A Dutch Prince’s Jester
Solve the riddles to reveal the menu or come and be surprised!
If you simply must know the answers, please click here!
Proceeds from this event benefit educational programming at Historic Rock Ford.
Purchase tickets on Yapsody
RSVP Date: October 30, 2023